Rankings Newsletter August 2021
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Madrid is ranked as the city with the
highest number of technological use offers

Experis. Tech Cities 2021
The technological services consulting firm Experis, which belongs to the Manpower Group, publishes its biannual Tech Cities study, which analyses the most demanded technology profiles in our country and salary ranges by profile type and geographic areas. 
The Tech Cities 2021 report reads like a map of technological talent providing information to businesses about hiring opportunities and current training needs. 

In this fourth edition of the report, Madrid is ranked as the Spanish city that generates the most technological use offers, with 43% of the total. According to the report, the average profile of IT professionals in Spain is defined as an average salary of €37,660 a year (€11,000 above the national average, which is €26,500), located primarily in Madrid and specialising in Business Transformation solutions, Cloud & Infrastructure, Enterprise Solutions or Data Services. 

The Tech Cities 2021 report also predicts market trends for IT professionals in the next few years, the profiles that business will need the most, and the cities where the demand will be concentrated. According to Experis, the most highly demanded profile in 2021 is that of Cloud Specialist. As for Madrid, the highest demand for professionals is expected to be for data engineers (52%) and DEVOPS engineers (53%).

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