Digital Officer creation

Delegado Digital

The Governing Board has approved the creation of a "Digital Officer" for each Government Area or District, whose main objective is to facilitate the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the digital transformation of municipal and city services.

The configuration of this figure marks an important milestone in the governance model of digital transformation as they will be the promoters of this process in each of the areas of municipal activity. The aim is for the technological development of each of the areas to be aligned with the strategic lines planned by the Digital Office, favouring coordinated action in the process of digitalisation of the services.

In addition, the delegates will be the channel and point of connection and collection of the digitalisation needs of the government areas to which they belong. It should be noted that these posts have an organic assignment to the corresponding Government Area and a functional assignment to the Digital Office, thus favouring transversality and reinforcing the corporate and integral vision that digital transformation processes require.

Its functions include, among others, the promotion and monitoring of the digitalisation of the Government area and dialogue with the Digital Office; participation in the definition, development and implementation of the guidelines on digital transformation; technological coordination with the Data Protection Office to ensure compliance with the regulations in this area in information systems and technologies; and collaboration in the simplification, modernisation and innovation of the area's processes and working methods, especially through its digitalisation.

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