Digital Twin

Gemelo digital fichero


A digital twin is a digital representation, as accurate as possible, of one or several elements of a city, including the characteristics, data, functions, behaviour, and interactions necessary to meet the needs of management and decision making about it. There is no single Digital Twin model, so the level of definition varies according to the approach of each twin, but in Madrid it should serve to improve the design of public policies and services.

In this way, Madrid City Council's digital twin focuses on the virtual representation of the elements of the city, its infrastructures, municipal services, its citizens and their associated data, creating a comprehensive digital vision of these in real time. This allows the City Council to carry out simulations of different scenarios to analyse their effect in the real world and, based on this, to adapt and optimise its services in the planning and operational phases.

Digital City Twins are a crucial tool for modern urban management. These virtual representations of the city allow the municipality to carry out accurate and detailed planning, helping to avoid costly mistakes and to ensure efficient and effective management of the territory.

This technology enables the integration of the set of planning spheres and areas that the City Council must take into account, which makes it a key tool for transformative projects that cover the five elements of the territory: people, municipal area (territory), corporation (City Council), metadata and city assets and objects. 


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