Scientific production

The pre-hospital emergency specialty requires a constant optimization of methods and procedures of work. Thus, the research activity acquires an undoubted importance, given the direct relationship between the theoretical activity and its practical application.
In recent years, the research support has become a strategic line of development and promotion of the medical personnel in SAMUR-Civil Protection, both staff and volunteers.
This line support:- The creation of several research groups on specific emergency matters that are responsible for encouraging, directing, aiding and energize the researchers who are part of our staff.
- Specific training in research, writing and managing scientific papers, bibliography search, database management, statistical analysis for clinical research offered to interested workers and responsibles of the research groups.
- Research training for the new personnel, considering this matter as an important part of the curriculum of any proffesional devoted to pre-hospital emergency.
- The career promotion of the staff with dedication to research and incorporating the research method, provides the basis for continuous improvement of care according to scientific evidence.
- The participation of all professionals in the elaboration of the SAMUR-Civil Protection precedures of performance, using a methodology of bibliography review of sources of evidence-based medicine.
- The participation of professionals and volunteers in international, national and regional scientific calls of interest for research dissemination (congresses, scientific forums, etc).
- The calls of proposal for exposing internal research and cases of interest (clinical cases contest, monographic literature review sessions).
- The consolidation of SAMUR-Civil Protection Research Committee, in charge of the assessment and guidance of the research work, both inside the service, as well as those outside research proposals.