Act of raising the flag in commemoration of Europe day

Acto del izado de la bandera en conmemoración del Día de Europa 9 mayo II

The mayor of Madrid, Mr José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the deputy mayor, Ms Begoña Villacís and the Councillor of the Delegated Area of Internationalization and Cooperation, Mr Santiago Saura, together with the Councillors-Spokespersons for the Municipal Groups of Madrid City Council, have participated in the act of raising the flag of the European Union.

The event featured interventions from the president of the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement, Mr Francisco Aldecoa; the Director of the Office of the European Parliament in Spain, Ms María Andrés Marín, representing both the Commission and the European Parliament; the Acting Councillor of the Presidency and Councillor of Sports and Transparency, Ms Eugenia Carballedo; the Secretary of State for the European Union, Mr Juan González-Barba and the Ambassador of the Portuguese Republic to Spain, Mr Joao Antonio Da Costa Mira Gómez, with the Mayor of Madrid closing the meeting.

Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Movement have also attended, together with representatives of the European Union members’ diplomatic corps.

During the event, which took place on May 9th, Europe Day, at Plaza de la Villa, former seat of the capital’s City Council, the Municipal Police Music Band performed Ode to Joy and the Spanish National Anthem.

All speakers referred to the 71st anniversary of the declaration of French Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Schuman, which dates back to May 9th, 1950. The famed statement proposed a united Europe to contribute to world peace, through “concrete achievements”.

Under the motto “United in diversity”, the diplomatic representatives paid tribute to the 700,000 victims that have died from COVID-19 in Europe, causing the biggest crisis since the end of Second World War. It is expected that by this summer’s end, 70% of European population will be vaccinated.

“The Recovery Plan for Europe”, the largest stimulus package ever to be financed via EU budget, has also been referred to. A total 1.8 trillion euros that aim to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe.

Finally, the speakers referred to the forthcoming Conference on the Future of Europe, which aims to promote a more ecologically, digitally and socially resilient continent, wishing everyone a "Happy Europe Day".

Subir Bajar