Annual Conference and General Assembly of Eurocities

Conferencia anual y Asamblea General de Eurocities 4-5 nov

The Annual Conference and General Assembly of Eurocities has taken place last 4 and 5 November.

Nowadays, cities have been severely hit by the pandemic and its social and economic consequences. It is also in cities that the urgency of dealing with other major challenges such as climate change stands out very clearly.

In the aftermath of the corona pandemic crisis, the daily functioning of the city as we know it is challenged. As teleworking is becoming the new normal, suburbs and the countryside, where life is more affordable and healthier, could be the winners. When culture and entertainment, gastronomy and tourism are threatened, the attractiveness of the city is at risk. 

The biggest EU budget ever is on the table to pull Europe out of the crisis, by investing in a green, fair and digital transformation, also in cities. With a new policy framework for a European Green Deal, with direct implications on urban policies for green, inclusive and connected cities. 

In this Eurocities’ annual conference, for the first time in online format, the pathways for recovery and resilience have been explored, as well as what cities are doing to face future challenges laying ahead.

Along the meeting, some relevant decisions about the governing bodies were made. Among them, it should be noted the change in the Eurocities Presidency by the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, who will represent major European cities in the coming two years, joined by the Mayor of Leipzig, Burkhard Jung, who will become the network’s Vice President. 

Other key decisions were the Executive Committee renewal and the formalization of the entrance of Madrid with the designation of Ms Lola Ortiz, Director General of Planning and Infrastructures in the Environment Area and Mobility of Madrid City Council, as Vice President of the Mobility Forum

Eurocities is a network of 190 cities in 39 countries, representing 130 million people. Through joint work, knowledge-sharing and coordinated Europe-wide activity, they ensure that the voice of cities and their inhabitants is heard in Europe.

Among other representatives of Madrid City Council, the Deputy Director of Internationalization, Mr Juan Carlos de Castro attended the sessions “Empowering youth through entrepreneurial skills” and “Cooperation between EU and Chinese cities”, together with the Head of Alliances and Networks Department, Mr Arnau Gutierrez, the Advisor of the Delegated Area of ​​Internationalization and Cooperation, Mr Nicolas Gharbi and the Deputy Director of International and Institutional Relations in Mayor´s Office, Ms Rocío Picón.

Subir Bajar