Internationalization participates in the meeting with the Australian Ambassador in Spain, Ms Sophia McIntyre

Internacionalización participa en el encuentro con la Embajadora de Australia en España, Sophia McIntyre 27 abril II

The interest of boosting the bilateral relationship after overcoming the pandemic, Ambassador's main message to Spanish companies and institutions.

The new headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation hosted the meeting that the trustees of the Spain-Australia Council Foundation held with the Australian Ambassador to Spain, Ms Sophia McIntyre, on April 27.

The President of the Spain-Australia Council Foundation, Joaquín Mollinedo, welcomed the Ambassador on behalf of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting. On behalf of Madrid City Council, the breakfast meeting was attended by Mr Santiago Saura Martínez De Toda, Councilman in charge of Internationalization and Cooperation of  Madrid City Council and Mr Juan Carlos de Castro Pita, Deputy Director General of Internationalization; together with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Australian Embassy in Spain; the Spain-Australia Council Foundation, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce of Spain and several businessmen.

Ambassador Sophia McIntyre gave an extensive review of Australia's economic, political and social current affairs and the impact and subsequent recovery from the pandemic in Australia, and the impact and subsequent recovery from the pandemic in the country.

The Ambassador reported that, thanks to the implementation of border control measures and selective containment during the pandemic, the covid-19 mortality rate in Australia has been nine times lower than the OECD average. Now, with the implementation of a National Vaccination Program, Australia has gradually abandoned this approach, and restrictions have been lifted. The impact of the coronavirus is being mitigated by a high national vaccination rate. The removal of these restrictions has allowed economic activity to recover strongly.

In addition, Australia is once again open to vaccinated travelers. With open borders, Spain and Australia have the opportunity to regain momentum in the bilateral relationship. Australia is currently in the midst of an election campaign, with federal elections taking place on May 21. However, there is alignment between the two main parties on defense, foreign policy and trade policy, so we can expect continuity in Australia's priorities in these areas.

Both parties have also signaled their commitment to continue with high levels of investment in infrastructure and energy transition. On the other hand, the conclusion of the EU-Australia Free Trade Agreement will remain a priority, regardless of the outcome of the elections, and will have clear economic and strategic benefits for both Australia and Spain.

There is still great untapped potential in the bilateral economic relationship. Spanish companies' interest in the Australian market covers sectors such as infrastructure, transport, energy, technology and security and defense. Meanwhile, Australian investors are showing interest in infrastructure, energy, mining, healthcare, telecommunications and digital services in Spain.

As the world faces great challenges and uncertainty, Australia and Spain need to work together. In that sense, the Spain-Australia Council Foundation is a key partner for the Australian Embassy in Madrid, as well as for strengthening the bilateral relationship based on shared values.

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