Madrid joins the biggest European initiative for innovation in climate action

Madrid se une a la mayor iniciativa europea para la innovación en acción climática

The Plenary Assembly of Madrid City Council has supported unanimously the adhesion of our city to the EIT Climate-KIC, the biggest initiative in the European Union to develop innovation actions aimed at the reduction and adaptation to climate change.

The adhesion of Madrid, decided last July 22nd, addresses the transformation of Europe for a neutral climate future.

With the support of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), the Area of Internationalization and Cooperation of Madrid City Council is working among other organizations and several social movements, in putting into action some activities related to mobility, urban renaturalization and the recovering and improvement of neighborhoods and dwellings, to name a few objectives.

In 2019, Madrid was selected as one of the 15 cities to show how to be carbon neutral in 2030, within the frame of the Deep Demonstration of Healthy and Clean Cities program of EIT Climate-KIC.

That way, Madrid becomes one of the first cities engaged in this transformation movement, combining knowledge and technology with financing, regulation and business, public-private and social collaboration models.

Official EIT Climate-KIC webpage:

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