The City Council will send more than 60 tonnes of material donated by individuals and companies to Ukraine

El Ayuntamiento enviará a Ucrania más de 60 toneladas de material donado por particulares y empresas 16 marzo II

The Mayor of Madrid, Mr. José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has visited the Almacén de la Villa, a space that is being used for the collection of humanitarian help for Ukraine and where, since 9 March, more than 60 tonnes of material have already been collected from individuals, channelled through the district councils, and from companies linked to the non-profit association Madrid Futuro.

During the visit, in which the Mayor has been accompanied by members of the government, as well as by the first secretary for economic affairs of the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid, Mr. Dmytro Lozytskyi, and the director of Madrid Futuro Foundation, Mr. Pablo Vázquez, he was able to see how the work of classifying and packaging the products received by category has been organized.

The City Council is working with various organizations to see the most effective way to deliver all this aid.

Madrid, a charity city

Since the outbreak of the conflict, the people of Madrid have massively turned their attention to  the victims, providing basic necessities and Madrid Futuro has contributed, in addition to material, around 1.5 million euros to be able to purchase the most needed products at their destination.

"We are proud to be Madrileños and Spaniards, but these days we also feel Ukrainian and that we are part of a people who are fighting heroically for their freedom, their democracy, their sovereignty, territorial integrity and survival," the Mayor emphasised.

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