World Forum of Cities and Territories of Peace 2021 - Activities update

Actividades 2021 del Foro Mundial Ciudades y Territorios de Paz

The International Organizer Committee (COI) of the Third Edition of the World Forum of Cities and Territories of Peace, led by the City of Mexico, which will take place in Latin America for the first time, announced a series of activities to be held during 2021. The process began with an online event in 2020 and will finish with a blended encounter next October in Mexico City.

“Cities of Peace” Magazine

The Cities of Peace Magazine is a regular publication tool with experiences, thoughts, news or campaigns that helps to the construction of coexistence and peace.

The first edition of this magazine was released on 5 February, including inputs of the COI members.

Visit the first number of the “Cities of Peace” Magazine:  www.ciudadesdepaz/citiesofpeacemagazine

Self-organised sessions

The COI appeals to different entities, organizations and institutions from all over the world who share the objectives of the Forum, to lead the way to promote “self-organised” activities from its original site, as parallel events, training actions, working groups, arts and cultural activities, interchange of activities, incidence activities, among others.

Register your proposal here: www.ciudadesdepaz/howtoparticipate

“Cartographies of Peace”: Stories from our cities

To get a global narrative, this initiative promotes the involvement of social network users in the “Cartographies of Peace” Project, stories which will be shared in the Forum webpage.

We want to know your peace story, learn what you do to make your community be more harmonic.

Share your peace story!: www.ciudadesdepaz/cartographiesofpeace


For more information, please visit: www.ciudadesdepaz


Subir Bajar