The City Council of Madrid signs a collaboration agreement with the Sant'Egidio Cultural Association of Spain


The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, accompanied by the vice-mayor, Begoña Villacís, has signed a collaboration agreement with the president of the Cultural Association of Aid of the Community of Sant'Egidio of Spain, María Tíscar Espigares.

The person in charge of Institutional Relations and Volunteering of Sant'Egidio, Jesús Romero, was also present at the signature.

The agreement, signed on 23 July in the Palace of Cibeles, will be a framework of collaboration for the celebration in Madrid of the International Meeting for Peace ("Peace without Borders") which will take place from 15 to 17 September this year.

 This historic meeting, organized by the Archbishopric of Madrid and the Community of Sant'Egidio, will reunite more than 400 religious personalities, representatives of churches and Christian communities, together with leaders of the great world religions, intellectuals, humanists, representatives of civil society and political organizations. People, believers and non-believers, from 60 countries of the five continents, will also participate, giving life to three days of intense dialogue with an open spirit, made of encounter, friendship and prayer, with a common goal: the construction of peace.

The twitter for this meeting is: @paz2019Madrid

For more information and registration, visit:

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