Intranet 'ayre'
The 'ayre' Intranet is the portal for employees of Madrid City Council and its autonomous bodies.
It has been implemented in 90% of its audience, focusing on facilitating internal communication and electronic administration, management, participation and knowledge transfer. To this end, it integrates corporate and management contents and services (planning, structure, contracting, access to management applications, directory, etc.); sectoral services (Police, Firemen, Social Services, Taxes, etc.); and personal information and procedures: time and attendance control, payroll, leave and aid applications, retirement and work-life balance, among others.
The incorporation of 86 electronic applications in 2021 and 146 in 2022 has enhanced the efficiency of human resources procedures.
The governance model is decentralised, with coordination located in the Subdirectorate General for Digital Administration, and 63 management units that publish their contents.
Key metrics 2022:
- Unique users: 27,288 (monthly average)
- Pages viewed: 56,317,710
- Number of actions carried out: 119,837